Improvements since 6pm Thursday

May 27, 2012 21:33

Tibby came to us with a bunch of bad habits. He still has many, but already ones he is beginning to break are:
Jumping up constantly.
Constantly pawing at us with one leg.
Going in the house.
Wanting constant attention.

Things he still needs to improve on:
Nipping, snapping, mouthing. This is not serious yet, but that was one of the reasons he was given up in the first place for nipping. We are actively working to curb it by going Owww! when he bites/nips/mouths/ or snaps at us. 
Learning to listen at all times and not just in the home.
Pulling on his lead, especially when he realizes we are going home or if he gets worked up over cars or people.
Behavioral issues- he gets frustrated or grumpy and starts to talk back or do destructive behavior if he doesn't like what is going on or is being ignored.

Things he has improved on already:
Sitting and waiting for his harness to go on. 
Sitting and waiting for the door to open. 
Laying down on his bed.
Boredom issues, so far the only things he has chewed to destruction are his bone and a rubber ball. 
car chasing- Tonight, against what I have said, I went and took Tiburon for a quick night walk because it's Sunday night so there aren't as many cars on the road as say a week night. Well tonight when we got to the corner of our property, I let go of the lead to see what Tibby would do (he headed straight for the front door), but at the same time a car turned the corner onto our street while Tibby was several feet ahead of me. I called to him to get his attention, but he had already noticed the car since it was a big 4 wheel drive with a loud engine. To my utter, complete and total delight, Tibby watched the car but did not even flinch towards it. He then looked at me after it passed. Needless to say I praised him heartily.

I know it was stupid of me to let go of his lead in the front of our house, I'll call it a derp moment and probably never do it again, but it made me happy to see that he was behaving  so well.
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