Today they are tearing down the building across from mine using a huge dinosaur-like hoe. The hoe is currently taking huge bites out of the roof of the only remaining wall, sending dust, glass and debris flying. This is one of my department's projects; eventually there will be a new building there with 4-foot thick, lead-lined walls to house our
CyberKnife machines. And the building they are tearing down is one that has, from time to time, been a real pain in my ass. There was the time that the water heater in one of the upstairs rooms catastrophically failed and, being an empty building, wasn't discovered until the entire place had started to mold. When they came out to work on it, I was instructed to stay on the premises until the workers left. Oy, god, I'll never forget that stench. So, good riddance to you, old building. And yay for Demo Day!
On another topic, my introduction post will go live at SoYou' on Thursday morning. And tonight I get to see Liz's dance students in their big year-end show!