Long time, no blog.

Apr 26, 2009 21:20

Still alive, barely.

I got the flu Wednesday night and have felt like utter crap ever since. Those who know me know this is a rare occurrence indeed.

Today we went to urgent care because I woke up with pink eye and had definite signs of an ear infection in the middle of the night last night. Saw a doctor, confirmed all of the above, and got set up with meds. I was told my prescriptions were faxed to the pharmacy, but the only one they actually sent over was the oral antibiotic, not the antibiotic drops for my eyes. Finally got the antibiotic drops at 10pm which, rather sadly, means I remain highly contagious for the next 24 hours and won't be going to work for the third day in a row. Unfortunately it appears that Liz is just now coming down with conjunctivitis, although her body has pretty successfully fought off most of my flu.

We did get to see the freaky people who go to the pharmacy at 10pm on a Sunday night, which was, uh, sort of fun. The guy who was wearing a face mask, cart piled high with thousands of antibacterial wipes while talking hyperactively about The Swine Flu! and asking the pharmacist about where to find more industrial-strength face masks (he knew the letter-number code thingee for them... M25, maybe?) took the prize. Although the guy who clearly was taking his date there (to buy condoms perhaps?) came in third to the woman who was stockpiling toothpaste and prunes in equal numbers.... *shudder*

Hope you are all doing better than me. I'm off to email my boss, take a full dose of children's Dimetapp and sleep as well as I can manage.
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