Wouldn't you think that people who care about you would want to help and be around you more if you were upset. At least I am that way, but I really have found out that nobody wants to be around that sort of downer behavior, and that itself leads to more loneliness. No matter who it is, or how much they care about you. VERY FEW people will actually take care of you. You only have yourself. But here is my question, what happens if you don't know how to fix yourself anymore that you already have? What if the only thing that will save you is that very person helping you?
1. Pick up a book and turn to page twenty two, line eleven, and write down what it says: “...washed Regency buildings to Haymarket, where the street..." -The Golem's Eye Jonathan Stroud
2. Reach out as far as you can to your left. What is the first thing you touch?: air
3. What are you listening to: news
4. What are you looking at?: My laptop’s screen.
5. Without looking at a clock, guess what time it is right now: 10:15 pm
6: Now look at the clock, what time is it really?: 10:14 pm