So. This dude named
Alastair Pennycook who is a Linguist at U of T, wrote an article called "Global Englishes, Rip Slyme, and Performativity", which appeared in the Journal of Sociolinguistics, 7, 513-533.
(Taken from the class handout)
Performativity: The way in which we perform act of identity as a series of social and cultural performances rather than as the expression of a prior identity.
The idea being that you express your identity through performance of it. We play with our identities - the way we chose to dress that day, the way we walk, speak, do our hair... It's all part of expressing your identity. You're always the same person, but you're not always performing it the same way.
Anyway. Rip Slyme. A hip hop group from Japan. The word Rip comes from three of their names (Ryo-Z, Ilmari and Pes), while Slyme is from a toy that was popular at the time. Also, it's a pun on "lip's rhyme". haha! loves it. They rap in Japanese, but with lots of English thrown in. It's kinda amazing.
Watch this video:
Rip Slyme - Galaxy. You'll see what I mean.