Feral Druid in...Rogue Pants?

Aug 05, 2008 09:19

Good flippin mornin to you folk!! Fuck it is too damn early I tell you. I have been up since 5:30 this morning and I am ready to go to bed...but I can't sleep so what do I do? BLOG!! be very afraid! Yes, I had to drop my roommate off at the train station at 7:15 in the morning, so naturally we got up at 5:30 because they wanted to make sure we had plenty of time to get there. It takes like 30 minutes and no one is on the high way at this hour in the morning, trust me i've made this run before. So we leave around 5:50, get there around 6:30 only to found out the train is running late (big suprise there) and should arrive at 8:20am. Now...I do adore my roommate, but not that much! so we all went out to breakfast (me, josh [roommate], and mike [brother]) and killed time till about seven something, then just dropped josh off and headed back home. However, on the way home...we were followed...BY FLIPPIN OPTIMUS PRIME!!! Oh yes, he did follow us for our venture on the high way, tis a bit commical. I'm sorry I didn't have my camera so i didn't get a chance to take a picture, my bad. I did on my phone but you can only kinda tell.

Anywho, back to the blogging! Life is life much as long cat is long. My brother and roommate have become full blooded /b/ tards and it is starting to rub off on me, i'm sorry. It's fun though so shush.

I GOT ME A KITTY!! I'm sure you've all seen the pictures of Mojito, the white puss. If not...GO LOOK NOW!! she's a very photogenic kitty, and jsut enjoys her picture being taken. She is so loving and sweet and enjoys sleeping on people, especially mike (CAT THIEF!!) we rescued her from Petsmart (yes we adopted her) she was so loving! We got her when she was 4 or 5 months old, and she was shy and timid first but she quickly became used to everyone here. She doesn't scratch up the furniture (thank god) and knows her litter box!! She likes under the couch though...oh well what can you do?

School should be starting up again soon thank the stars! I will be taking three different classes, one is Intro to Education (yes I did take that my freshmen year but dropped out...it was once a week!). Seeing as how my goal is to teach English in Taiwan (yes that's my current dream) I guess I should learn how to teach children. I am still trying to get my degree in English, so this will help me minor in education maybe.

My second class is Earth Science! Woot. Well I needed another science with a lab in order to get my degree, and I'm told that this class is easy as hell, so I figured why not? Biology and such is one of my major weaknesses so I try to avoid them as much as possible. Plus, somewhere in my old room is a pair of jeans that has all kinds of information about the atmospheres on them! I cheated in high school by writing on my pants and didn't realize that ball point ink doesn't come out. Go Me.

So my final class is College Algebra! Yes, I did take that class last spring also! The only problem is that I got a D in it and I need at least a C. Stupid fucking online quizzes got me each time. They were way too picky. They wanted multiple answer questions in a certain order and I could only get two or so questions wrong and i'd have to do the whole damn thing over again but with new questions and the numbers tweeked. And when you do problems that take forever to solve, it's a bitch to get to the end and have to re do them. I was so mad. So this time I'm taking it with my buddy Jon (Hi jon!) who is a sexy /b/ tard. He is a T.A. who gets his own class (god help us.) And the best part: NO ONLINE QUIZZES!! MWAHAHAHAHHAH!! I shall beat you this time! the down side is that we're not using the same book so i can't just use the same homework from last time. Damn

In WoW Related news [insert groan here] Eritka (Mage) has been xfered to Bleeding Hallow...and then my brothers decided they were going to play alliance. So I figured the other Eritka (druid) would finally get some action after hibernation. No, they want a PvP server where as Eritka (druid) is on a PvE (they picked it). So I go back to Frostmane (their last PvP server) and start up a new mage! I love mages so very much! She is the awesome Roseline (or Roselina i don't remember) and she is doing just fine, in a kick butt guild, Crimson Dawn where she is known as The Crimson Rose. Cheese yes, but she's a fire mage so bite me. Eritka (mage) was known as the Magical Ice Queen. So I'm like lvl 10 or so and playing in fucking Westfall (fuck you defias!!) when I get news...we're not going to Frostmane..no...we're going Grogonosh (or something like that). FUUUCCCKKKK so i switch servers (already made friends and stuff *pout*) and created the lovely Rosemirror, my new Hunter. So i'm starting up, met some new friends there and am waiting for my brothers to show up...but so far no one has! I finally got frank's name but he hasn't been on and I need monies!!!! Ugh...

So my dear Alex is on yet another pvp alliance server (can't we go back to Pve? or Rp? Come on I'm almost to 50!) and I am thinking about creating yet another darling alt on that server. Probably a druid, yet again. I love druids i'm sorry! they can go pew pew and mew mew and WRAR-IM-GONNA-EAT-YOUR-HEAD-OFF!!! and what not. Pretty cool in my opinion. (fuck i'm rambling again)

So yeah...i'm tryin to find a new home for my wow goodness, but I just don't know where to lay my roots. Helpa Medic if you could...but whats a girl to do?

btw i got new aim, it's MiragexRose now...>.> had stalker issues yet again.

And i have finally gotten my creativity back! Got a new ...fan-fic [insert groan here] in the works...maybe I'll post it later. Peace!

~*~Kumori Wracky~*~
~*~The Broken Doll~*~
~*~Katie Kristle Clan-Clan McDougle Shazar Beouvle Hino Star Strife Hyral Jackson Buu Martinez~*~
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