(no subject)

Nov 23, 2005 20:32

WO U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .

1) Pierce your nose or tongue: Nose

2) Be serious or be funny: Funny

3) Drink whole or skim milk: Whole

A R E Y O U . . .

4) Simple or complicated: Complicated

5) Flowers or angels: Angels

6) Grey or gray: Gray

7) Color or black-and-white photos: black and white

8) Sunrise or sunset: Sunset

9) M&Ms or Skittles: skittles

10) hip hop or rock: Rock

11) Staying up late or waking up early: Staying up late

12) TV or radio: TV

13) Apples or oranges: apples

A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . .

14) Do you have a crush: Yes

15) Who is it: Ryan...the pepsi guy lol

D O Y O U P R E F E R . . .

16) Being hot or cold: Cold.

17) Tall or short people: tall

18) Sun or moon: Moon

19) Emeralds or rubies: Rubies

20) Left or right: right

21) Having ten acquaintances or one best friend?: One best friend

22) Sun or rain: Rain

23) Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream: Vanilla

M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . .

24) What are your biggest fears: not telling

25) Kids or no kids: Kids

26) Cat or dog: Dog

27) Half empty or half full: it's just half

28) Mustard or ketchup: mustard

29) Hardcover books or softcover books: Hardcover books

30) Newspaper or magazine? magazines

31) Sandals or sneakers: sneakers

32) Wonder or amazement: amazement

33) Red car or white car: white

34) Happy and poor or sad and rich: happy and poor

35) Singing or dancing: singing

A B O U T Y O U . . .

36) What time is it: 8:37pm

37) Number of siblings: One brother, one sister

38) Birthdate: June 27th 1985

39) Height: 5'5"

40) Eye color: Brown

41) Hair color: Burnette

42) Piercing(s): one in each ear lobe

W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . .

43) Where do you want to live: somewhere in the new england states

44) How many kids do you want: Two, three

W H I C H I S B E T T E R . . .

45) Two doors or four (on a car): Four

46) Coffee or ice cream: ice cream

47) Bridges or tunnels: bridges

F A V O R I T E S . . .

48) Color of socks: white

49) Food: chicken

50) Non-alcoholic drink: mountain dew

51) Alcoholic drink: vodka sours

R A N D O M . . .

52) One minute ago: reading

53) One day ago: shopping

54) One week ago: watching tv

55) One year ago: no idea

I A M. . .

56) Wearing: a blue sweater and black dress pants

57) Listening to: the wings game
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