(no subject)

Jul 01, 2009 09:48

Currently in Melbourne at my Dad's place, and I have to say, I'm really glad I came. I cam on Monday, but we didn't get to my Dad's house until late because the train service is being idiotic again. After a few cancelled trains, it was 4:30pm before we got home, so we didn't really get to do anything.

However, yesterday we ended up going to the Melbourne Museum to see the Pompeii Exhibition. It was really good - there were lots of old artefacts that had been dug up from the remains of the city, and a step-by-step 3D presentation of what happened there in the space of 24 hours. (though I didn't use the 3D glasses; they make my eyes and head ache) There were even some plaster casts of some of the people who were buried by the massive pyroclastic flow there. (was a little sad, though. All of them looked like they would have been scared out of their wits when it was happening...)

When we came out of the museum I got some photos of the Exhibition Building, too; God, what a sight that place is. It was a magnificent piece of archetecture. It looks a lot like a castle - and the top looks a bit like... the round top part of that really famous building in India, that I can't remember the name of. O.o Was awesome.

I also saw someone reading a Discworld novel on the tram, and the first thing I thought was, "Wow, someone's not reading Twilight?" Sad, huh? I see Twilight wherever I go, and it really gets under my skin. You get on the train, someone's reading Twilight. You get on the bus, someone's reading Twilight. You go to school, at least three people are reading Twilight. *rolls eyes*

Not doing much today, except going to the library. That's hardly worth chronicling, so I'll finish up here. XD

exhibition building, rant, melbourne, pompeii, museum

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