Full Name: Corinn Fitzgerald
Nicknames: Fitz, Cory, Birdhead
Age: 22
Emails: corrin_fitz@yahoo.com
Phone numbers:
Interested character: Sailor Mars
What conventions have you attended in the past? Sugoicon and AWA are the two I've been to the most. I'm about to go to Otakon for the first time.
What costumes have you made, accessories, etc.? Duelist Juri (series), Super Sailor Uranus
What got you interested in cosplay and Sailor Moon/PGSM in the first place? I went to my first con in 2001 and didn't have a costume. As we (my friends and I) were walking around, we felt out of place and wanted to dress up. So we went to Hot Topic and got a bunch of random crap, put the clothes together as costumes and made up our own anime. It was hilarious because people actually believed us and that the anime was real. Anyway, after that I decided to stick with real animes. xD .. As for my interest in Sailor Moon, that started when I was ten years old. When I first started watching PGSM about four months ago, I thought it was ridiculously corny (like Power Rangers). But the more I watched it, the more I loved it. And I thought Rei was finally portrayed properly, like the manga. I made fun of her at first because all she did was scowl for the first few episodes she was in. xD But she grew on me and became my favorite of the cast very quickly.
Pictures please. Of costumes and yourself if you'd like.
I don't have many of myself in costume due to some bad issues with my ex and her computer. Here is what I -do- have.
Me as Saffiru. Costume and wig made by
ssfseiyakou Me as Seiya. Wig by
ssfseiyakou Me as Haruka.
And those are two pictures of me. xD