Title: Road Trip
Fandom : Moonlight
Characters : Mick, Beth, Josef, Simone
Rating : R, for some sexual content and strong language.
Spoilers: Post -"Sonata"
Summary: Tenth in my post-Sonata series. Josef hires an RV to take the gang across country to meet Simone's parents. Fun, humorous, and dangerous adventures await them. Told in alternating pov'
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Oh, ple-e-e-ase! Small chance of that. :)
Beth/Mick has to be one of the most well-behaved and wholesome 'ships I follow (I read Teyla/Michael in Stargate: Atlantis, Sylar/Claire in Heroes, River/Jayne in Firefly, and of course Spike/Buffy in BtVS . . . with occasional friskiness from Jack/Sam in Stargate: SG1; if I stopped to think about it, I might be a bit worried by this pattern, so I try not to think too much!).
Thanks, as always, for bringing out the genuine love and passion between these two!
Ah, well!
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