
Mar 23, 2006 10:31

Hey all, just doing my usual "I'm not dead...look at my other journal" post. Hope everyone is doing well and life is happy and all that. If you wanna know the scoop w/o going to the other journal for details here it is:

1-I'm graduating in May. I'm veryyyy excited about this, I am currently doing the combined program. So I will be continuing my Masters in the fall.

2-Andy and I are still together. 10 months today. Still incredibly happy and plan on staying that way for a long time.

3-Still working at PARTA. I love my job and will keep it through grad school.

That basically covers school work and friends. Oh! I got a new car. Tullia died (transmission) so I now have a 2003 red Toyota Corolla...I love it!

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