Mod Post: Community Banner

Oct 28, 2007 18:19

I am thrilled to see that people are interested in this community. I hope it will be fairly active, and I am looking forwards to posts. First fic posted gets a cookie, and......bragging rights. "g"
I want to give a shout out to the lovely luvmeanddespair for the great banner she designed for this community for me. It is posted on the profile, unfortunately it is being blocked by the ad on the community page. If anyone out there who is more technologically capable (so anyone) could figure out how to shift the page down so the banner is visible, it would be much appreciated. 
Anyway, let me know what you think of the setup and banner, and if there is anything else you would like to see on this com.


P.S. I realized I left something off on the rules. Please tag all posts yourself, much easier to find things that way.

banner, mod post

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