State of the Pups

Jan 16, 2013 00:56

State of the Me:

Winter is the busiest time of year at my job and January is hands down the busiest month, and with the federal unemployment extensions being passed at the last minute it's even busier than usual this year. It's currently at least a two-hour hold to get through to us, and I have seen the queues climb to over three hours at times this past week. My job is mentally and emotionally tiring at the best of times, between all of the rules and laws you have to keep in your mind and dealing with people who are angry, frustrated, discouraged, depressed, desperate...yeah. With 3 hour hold times that is only intensified. For the past two weeks I have come home from work so braindead that I feel accomplished if I can get through 2-3 tags, but I am trying to get at least one tag per thread, per night whenever I can. I just ask that you bear with me, it should start to lighten up a bit soon, and hopefully by Valentine's Day I'll be back to normal, or getting there. If you need to know anything about me or my pups I'm always happy to discuss on AIM or in email, and if you need to ask for a ftb on a thread I swear I totally understand.

Edward: Is so ridiculously happy. He doesn't know what he did to deserve so much joy, but he's going to accept it and enjoy it. Bella's starting to show, and it makes this pregnancy even more real, which is mostly good. A small part of him worries the delivery will be difficult, because so much of their lives on the island have started to parallel the books that he read of their futures, but he's trying not to dwell on that and to just take care of Bella and help her get ready for the baby.
NDPD: A stroller and a diaper bag full of baby supplies (onesies, cloth diapers, burping cloths, bottles, etc)
Valentine's Day: Undecided. If I do anything it would probably be only telling lies.

Daphne: Is doing well, working in the bakery still, getting closer to Bay and Wilke. I have an idea for her item that would shake her up pretty hard at first, but I think I want to wait until spring when work slows down a little.
NDPD: A set of professional chef's knives in a roll case.
Valentine's Day: Probably not for her.

Julian: Still settling in. He's actually doing a bit better now that the island is back to normal. He doesn't really care for cities, and cities filled with ghosts and old friends that he doesn't know what to make of just made it worse. He's much happier in nature, and he finds the island rather enchanting. He's learned of Virginia's suicide and his own death in Spain, and he feels guilty that he's relieved to be alive on the island instead of dead in Spain. He hasn't talked to anyone about this, but he's been processing it on his own. He finds Savannah completely delightful and would like to spend more time with her, and is looking forward to learning to surf with Trixa. Needs to meet everyone. Seriously, I am always happy to thread him with anyone any time.
NDPD: I think I'm going to give him a puppy again. He's kind of lonely and could use the unconditional love.
Valentine's Day: Of course he's going to speak in rhyme. He's a poet. :)

Future: I think I'm going to bring someone from Secret History, either Henry or Charles. I haven't decided which, need to do a canon reread first. They would probably arrive in April or May, at this point. And then I think I'll be at my max for now.

Damon: Is just being Damon. Drinking from random people (and making Angel flail on Twitter), turning Cissie into a blood slave, missing Elena (and even Stefan). He's glad he hasn't run into Katherine yet, which means of course that he needs to. I want him and Rebekah to sleep together, but we have to figure out how to get them there, first, because neither of them will admit they want it. :D
Zoltar: I want to do something with him for this plot, but I have no ideas at the moment. Feel free to throw thoughts my way in the comments!

Future: No one's on the horizon at the moment, despite what
deense would have you believe.

Thomas: Is just doing his thing, working the salon, continuing to not have a relationship with Robin, occasionally doing his sister's bidding to keep in her good graces. Things between he and Harry are still a little awkward, but they're at least talking again, on occasion. I want to shake him up, but I'm not sure how. He won't be possessed by a demon because he's already got one. ;)

Bobby: Oh god, Bobby. He's still pretending his relationship with Willy is fulfilling and healthy, when it is neither of these things (but the sex is so good!). He's starting to slowly forgive John and give him another chance, although he's still wary of letting himself care too much, for fear of getting hurt and betrayed again. I need to EP him this weekend, because he is definitely going to be possessed, because it's too tempting not to. :D

Raven: Is kind of in a holding pattern. I need to confab with Kate and see what's going on with her and Neal currently. Other than that she's continuing to be a petty criminal and just hanging out. She needs to get a permanent address one of these days. I need plot for her, so if anyone has any ideas let me know. Not going to be possessed.

Future: I don't know. I have toyed with a couple of other pups I wouldn't mind bringing: Niko Leandros, Carlisle Cullen...but for now I think I'll just stick with who I have. Unless there's a quickie app, in which case I'll probably bring someone or other. ;)

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sotp: darrow, sotp: tr, sotp: kj

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