All because of a bag of sand... (twas a bomb scare)

Apr 25, 2007 16:29

SIUC Police Department are investigating a report of a suspicious package at
Lawson Hall. The building has been evacuated and closed until further notice.

As a precaution, evacuation is encouraged for Lindgren, Rehn, Wham and Life
Science II.
Please check with your BERT Team Leader or the Emergency Notification System
Radios for the "ALL Clear" to return to these buildings.

Will send email update when building is re-opened.


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Got this email today. I was in the building across the street. Apparently, Somebody had a demonstration today that involved a lot of sand, he didnt want to carry it around with him so he left it in the back of the room till his class started... A duffle bag of sand... well at least it canceled class for some.... I still have a big test tonight... oh no, my building is across the street, no need to evacuate us... we are safe over on this side of the tracks.
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