Drabble-type items? Why, go on then...

Jan 16, 2010 16:02

Because I commented on aesc's:

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. Post in your journal if it takes your fancy :)

1. tipsywitch (SGA, John/Rodney) In which DADT is repealed and John kisses Rodney...
2. beren_writes (Tremors, Tyler/El Blanco) In which there is Graboid!porn...
3. ruric (Leverage, Alec/Eliot) In which there are added vampires...
4. c00kie (SPN, Dean/Castiel) In which Dean is talking to himself and Sam's a ninja...
5. hampden (SPN, Dean/Castiel or XF, Mulder/Krycek) In which Castiel is exactly where he's meant to be...
6. realpestilence (Tremors, Tyler/El Blanco) In which Claire finds out it's strangely difficult writing from Blanco's point of view...
7. qthelights (RPS, Jensen/Misha) In which Jensen is creeping through the dark with Misha...
8. temaris (X-Men, Erik/Charles) In which there is telepathy and schmoop...
9. lassroyale (SPN/X-Men, Gambit/Castiel) In which Gambit hits on Cas and Dean gets jealous...
10. alyse (Primeval, Abby/Connor) In which Connor is Connor and Abby re-evaluates some stuff...
10.5. aithine (Primeval, Nick/Stephen) In which Abby and Stephen aren't pool hustlers...

writing: she writes like a writing thing, me: meme

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