Fic: Independence Day, SGA, Various implied pairings

Feb 05, 2009 23:43

Title: Independence Day
Author: Claire
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard implied, Lorne/Zelenka implied, Dex/Keller implied
Rating: PG
Summary: It happens on a Thursday...
Notes: Written for the comment_fic prompt SGA, McShep, creating a new Lantean holiday. (Also, I apparently can't spell Independence without a spellcheck. d'oh!)

It happens on a Thursday, according to the Earth calendar Richard still keeps in his office, although in reality it starts long before that.

It starts with the words not returning to Pegasus, with defence of Earth top priority. It starts with the words new administration and Uniform Code of Military Justice.

They begin with Teyla and Ronon, with those not Earth-born. They begin with the words not privy to confidential information, with need to know basis and not part of the Atlantis base's chain of command.

They begin with the ones who have been there since the beginning, with the ones who risked their lives when they stepped through a gate when they didn't know if they'd be able to come back home. They begin with the words divided loyalties, with needing a break from the extreme pressures and where do you think of when you think of home.

They begin with the systematic erosion of the command structure, with realising that they can't conquer unless they divide. They begin with back to Canada, with back to Pegasus and back to Antarctica.

And it shocks Richard when he realises they're blocking him as much as anyone, that they don't view him as one of them any more. Shocks him when his clearance doesn't allow him into places it should, when the people he should be talking to don't see him any more. Shocks him when Sheppard's hand is on his arm and McKay is looking at him, and he's agreeing with plans he would have baulked at a year ago.

It ends with meetings behind closed doors, with not trusting anyone but the ones who call themselves Lantean. It ends with later, with now and no going back.

It ends with Sam slipping a flashdrive into Richard's hand after a meeting, with a nod that says not only won't she stop them, but she's going to help. It ends with I know, with I approve and I understand.

It ends with Sheppard's hand in McKay's as they stand in Atlantis's control room, with Lorne's hand on Zelenka's shoulder. It ends with Keller leaning against Ronon and with Teyla nodding at Richard as she lays a hand on his arm. It ends with a pile of abandoned patches depicting a multitude of nationalities lying on Landry's desk in the SGC.

It starts with belief, with family. It starts with the words This is Richard Woolsey and Teyla Emmagan of the Independent State of Atlantis, and we are going home...

sga: mcshep, sga: lorne/zelenka, writing: comment_fic, sga: fic

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