Fic: New Found Glory, SGA, McShep, NC-17

Aug 31, 2008 23:17

Title: New Found Glory
Author: Claire
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He's wanted this since he first saw Sheppard, holster around his thigh and fingers running over his Beretta...
Notes: Written for kink_bingo's 'Object penetration (objects not designed for sex)' kink.

New Found Glory )

sga: mcshep, sga: fic, writing: kink bingo

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Comments 15

slybrarian September 1 2008, 01:03:49 UTC
Normally I don't find... gunplay? Whatever you'd call it all that hot. This time, though, I'm definitely making an exception.


moonlettuce September 2 2008, 23:01:24 UTC
::grin:: I think it's Sheppard - he makes most things hot ;)


xela_fic September 1 2008, 03:48:22 UTC
hello Gunplay, aren't you hot today? :D



moonlettuce September 2 2008, 23:01:46 UTC
:D Glad you enjoyed ::grin::


synekdokee September 6 2008, 19:02:46 UTC
I have to admit, I've always had a bit of a gun kink and... Yeah. Hot.


moonlettuce September 6 2008, 23:50:49 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked :D


lillyjk September 11 2008, 02:28:42 UTC
I love the way you write Sheppard - just a little darker than what is expected.

Gunplay is so not my kink, but this was extremely guh!


moonlettuce September 11 2008, 20:56:27 UTC
::grin:: Thanks :D My theory is that the addition of John Sheppard makes things you normally wouldn't find hot suddenly becoming scorching like a scorching thing. I think it's the power of the hair ;)


xtainted_blackx August 14 2009, 22:00:38 UTC
this was AMAZINGLY hot <3


moonlettuce August 15 2009, 15:50:45 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked :D


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