McShep Match

Jun 15, 2008 15:10

Tomorrow sees the first day of posting for mcshep_match. As the icon may suggest ::grin:: I'm on the Home Team this year, which means I've had some sneak peeks at some of the Home Team stories. And seriously, everyone is in for a treat :-D

So, read and love and vote.

Go, Home Team! *\o/*

Choose to fly. Choose to be free. Choose the sky. Choose the universe.

Choose on the flick of a coin. Choose another galaxy. Choose a team. Choose to never leave a man behind, choose puddlejumpers, guns, the ATA gene and a scientist who works his way under your skin like he's been there forever.

Choose a leader, a runner, and a team that complete you. Choose who you are instead of who they want you to be.

Choose not to hide, to reach out and touch him no matter what people say, fingers curling around fingers and knowing you stand together. Choose to defy them all, to stand with your family around you and fight for what's yours, knowing you'll never go back to Earth because you're already home, CO of people you would die for and lover to the one person you live for.

Choose your future.

Choose Atlantis.

Choose your home.

Choose Rodney.

sga: mcshep match

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