Link snaffled from
lonelybrit. have a list of the
Ten Best Gay and Bisexual Science Fiction Characters.
Jean Paul! And his unending crush on Bobby. (Bobby Drake needs to wake up and smell the delicious French Canadian lying next to him coffee.)
And John Constantine. Oh, my boy. My boy who is not American, nor brunette, nor giving up fags for gum, nor in any way shape or form Keanu flaming Reeves.
Also, is it wrong of me to want to register purely to correct the guy who comments about Wesley being obviously straight because of Angel's comment about him sleeping with a bleached blonde woman? Because, dude, Angel says that he can tell Wes slept with a bleached blond(e) last night - no mention of said blond(e)'s gender.
(Also also, I have the urge to put Sheppard in there somewhere, but that may just be me...)