Feb 13, 2015 15:31
I woke up today to an invite to some poly speed dating event being put on by Poly Toronto. I have no interest in dating (speed, or otherwise) but something caught my eye: straight men could only come if they brought a woman. This struck me in a bad mood because it is yet another example of the division which cuts my will to live to its core. In the past, this group has been good at staying very gender-inclusive so this was an odd double-standard to suddenly see. Sure, I have heard unpleasant things from people but never anything organized or from the top echelons.
I went out to meet Steve for lunch as he was in town to buy a new backpack. I mentioned this to him and he pointed out that I am consistently having this problem so maybe it is something I am doing or some environment I am repeatedly walking into which keeps me stuck under the heel of this problem. He pointed out that he found the same toxic ideas in some hippie or queer sub-cultural groups, in the past, so he left them. He is aware that the ideas exist but claims that they are localized into toxic puddles in the fringes at can be avoided, even at the cost of social opportunities.
That got me thinking and I realized that the only sources of this poisonous idea are the internet (partly because of my field where there is a huge push to change from importance of merit to representation for employment) and local poly groups. Paradoxically, even online poly groups don't have this problem the way either independent idea does.
So, I decided to leave. I think that, going forward, I need to find social groups based more on my technical interests or those involving entrepreneurship. Of course, my favourite meet-up was probably the urban gardener one: 8 hours of hard physical labour in the summer (I like seeing the result of time invested in changing an environment). Too bad they only had 1 meet-up.
And so I climb back up the tree to be caught on the wind, once more,