My tweets

Apr 25, 2023 12:00

  • Mon, 20:06: RT @ aghavalyan: Artsakh is about freedom that Azerbaijan has never had. Just look at Freedom House’s reports. So what comes to the use of…
  • Mon, 23:44: Today we watched the Aurora's Sunrise, a mix of the only surviving 14mins of the original film,a modern animation & docu talks with Arshaluys,brave teenage survivor of the #ArmenianGenocide who helped to raise mlns of $s for the near east relief that fed over 150k orphans for yrs
  • Tue, 09:14: RT @ mi_hayuhi: Stell Dir vor Deutschland w

#v, twitter, #recognizeartsakh, #artsakh, #stopartsakhblockade, #artsakhblockade, #armeniangenocide

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