stats and permissions meme here we go again

Oct 15, 2007 16:39

Name: Carmela Rodriguez
Birthday: Unknown! I'll... make something up later.
Age: 15-16 (Carmela is mentioned as being canonically 15 in book five, but nine months pass inbetween book 4 and book 8, so she could quite possibly have had a birthday at some point. If not, she's very close to one. WHO KNOWS? Not me. Sob.)
Height: Also unknown, I'm pretty sure? For now I'd put her at maybe 5'5"?
Medical Info: Nothing unusual! Very normal teenage girl here.
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown
Physical Features: Average teenage girl! Is Spanish-American. Dresses in NICE BRIGHT HAPPY COLOURS ♥.

What's Okay To Mention: You'll usually find I'm pretty cool with almost anything, except for maybe spoilers for Wizards at War, since her and all the other YW!Cast here at camp are from before Book 8 starts. If in doubt, just PM me!

Abilities: ... Uh. Able to use a laser gun? Has stamina due to lots of mall crawling? Strong throwing arm due to being pitcher on the girl's softball team? DO THESE THINGS COUNT AS ABILITIES? I. I have no idea. Oh! Knowledge of the Speech. Also fluent in Japanese and English and Spanish. Oh god why did I app a multilingual character.

Notes for Psychics: Normal teenage girl! ... This is getting kind of repetetive :(. Oh, she knows about wizardy, if that means anything.

Shapeshifting/Bodyswapping/Spitting at/Stepping on/Etc: Go for it! Like I always say: IF IN DOUBT, JUST ASK.

Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: GO FOR IT. DON'T EVEN ASK ME. I WILL LOVE IT REGARDLESS. And if you are a male Carmela will flirt right back at you!

Maim/Murder/Death: Ahahahaha no. Very no. BLANKET no. Not even for comedic purposes. Super powerful wizards will come kill you back a thousand times over so no.

Emo/Angst/Drama: Go for it! Depending on your relationship with Carmela she will either listen and maybe sympathise or be flippant.

Cooking: ... lol. I don't know? Probably basic sandwich making skills and that's it.

info, memes

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