
Oct 12, 2005 21:55

Wednesday nights have become Oxford night lately. This entails wandering down the road to my local (one of them, anyway) and having a pint or two along with a schnitzel the size of South America.

A little while ago we decided to amuse the bar staff by having them make us random cocktails. One of these random creations I enjoyed so much that I decided I had to name it so that I could order it regularly. Sadly the creator of this delicious beverage has now gone to Egypt for a lengthy holiday; however the recipe remains.

1 shot Blue Curacao
1 shot Midori
Crushed Ice
throw in a blender
top with cream

I call this a Cold Fusion (or alternatively a Crushed Smurf, if you go with a bit more blue and a bit less green...).

I've just made up a new verb - to blenderize. This, obviously, means to put something in a blender. Alternatively, if something has been blenderized, it describes what has happened to it as a result of said encounter with a blender.

I *could* just use the word "blend" instead, of course, but that would be no fun.

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