Mar 05, 2007 19:54
*snerk* WOW, I was such a nerd a couple years ago wasn't I???
Yeah, well, I haven't really updated in a few years.... like to tell anyone listening that I'm still alive.... Tiffany and I aren't really dating anymore... I moved half way across the country.
Went to college, tried that and thought it was sorta stupid....
Um..... I dunno, I guess I sort of treated this like I treat my actual journal.... I don't write in it except about once a decade.
Well actually that's not really true - I'm getting a little better about my journal, at least one entry every few months. That makes me happy.
Umm.... what else?
cut my hair, it's sorta short. (Decided I should be horribly mortified and decided to grow it out again)
went to england last may.... it was wet and cold - but horribly fun. (Until we got back anyway, had a ridiculously long layover in Chicago due to bad weather)
I've started drawing again (YAY!!)
Gotten in and out of a few totally messed up fandoms. (Currently obsessing on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Got addicted to Pocky. (Yummy stuff, they finally decided to bring it to New Mexico)
I dunno, I probably missed a ton. A Lot happens in 2 years - and you missed it all.
I dropped out of Fanart-Central and joined DeviantArt instead (yay!! I've gotten SMARTER!!!)
Still addicted to Gaia Online (well... not must smarter)
Joined a few other sites like it, none are as fun though.
Recently found out that I'm the only person in the whole wide internet that goes by the name 'Nekuyo' .... yay for a completely gibberish name eh??
Alright, that's that.
You're sort of updated, see you again next year xD
Sooner if I remember.