(no subject)

Jan 04, 2008 10:08

I’m worried about the situation in the apartment directly overhead of ours. These people moved in about 6 months ago and they have been very noisy. At first I didn’t pay much attention to it because it was random and not very often, but the noise level has increased in the last 8 weeks and I am now certain that what I thought was just horsing around is actually some sort of physical violence.  I’m not really sure how many people live up there.  I’ve only seen an adult male coming and going from the apartment-but I have also heard what sounds like a teenage male voice. There sounds like there could be a third voice, but it could also be only the television.

I can usually tune out the sound of a TV or radio, but recently what I’ve been hearing is really loud verbal fighting followed by heavy thuds and very heavy banging on the floor. They have banged something so loud on the floor (my roof) that I have watched my ceiling fan rock back and forth-and last night was the worse-it was so bad that I was afraid my ceiling fan was going to come loose! Not only was there banging on the floor I could hear what sounded like someone being thrown against the wall-many times. I could also hear a lot of the screaming.  At one time I heard the younger, teenage voice yell “Stop it” about 7 or 8 times in a row while some of the banging was going on-which makes me wonder that there must be a third person-because the teenage voice was very clear-not what I would expect of someone getting beaten.  This started about 1AM and lasted till about 2:30 Am. It woke up everyone in my house-and my children were terrified.  Even our cats were scared, they spent the night huddled under my son’s bed meowing and I couldn’t get them out until things quieted down upstairs.  About 2:30 I heard a very loud crash like something was knocked over.  About 15 minutes latter I hear what sounded like a vacuum and then that was it.

Last night was by far the worse I have ever heard upstairs, and quite frankly I’m scared. I wanted to call the police last night, but I’m very scared of retaliation from the people upstairs. I heard of neighbors of such people getting hurt or shot when they interfer in such situations. I am very worried about such a thing happening to my family. I’m also terrified that one of them upstairs may have a gun. And most of all I just want to be able to live without fear of the people upstairs.

Ever since these people have moved in, I and several of my neighbors have complained to the leasing office about the noise coming from that apartment. But nothing ever comes of it. The leasing office pretty much feels that as long as they are paying their rent then they are not going to take any actions against them.  Personally I want to move. I don’t want to have to deal with this sort of stuff. But for some reason it doesn’t bother my hubby very much and he thinks I’m over reacting. He thinks if it bother me so much that I should call the police next time and that my fears of retaliation is unfounded. I don’t know. I’m just exhausted this morning and highly upset from last night.  I don't know what to do. My nerves are just shot from all of this.
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