(no subject)

May 24, 2008 11:33

1. Batman or superman?
Hm, probably batman. Though my ultimate favorite superhero was Captain Planet.

2. What’s your current ringtone?
Lewis and I switched phones...so it's a Cubs song. I should change that...

3. What does the last text you received say?
"How close to home are you?" --Lewis, to me as I was riding home in a cab from sushi with law firm people.

4. What were you doing at midnight last night?

5. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
nope. can't see anyhow, so a nightlight wouldn't do so much.

6. How many pets do you have?
One Lewis.

7. Who was the last person that told you they love you?
See above.

8. What’s your desktop background?
Um...let me go check. Fishies!

9. What’s your ring size?
6 and 3/4

10. What’s your shoe size?
somewhere between a 7.5 and an 8.5. Have short but wide feet.

11. Do you have a tattoo? If yes, where is it? If no, where would it be?
I want one on my hip, if i can only figure out what i want. maybe something moon or elephant related. or oceany.

12. Name three things that you always carry with you.
Driver's license, debit card, phone.

13. If you had to choose between a million dollars and the ability to fly, which would you choose?
Flying...then I wouldn't be so scared of heights. :O)

14. Name one thing that you’re looking forward to.
Making it to next Friday, when I will be done with write-on and on a plane to texas to see steph graduate.

15. What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?
I do lots of little stupid things. No big one really stands out...

16. What is your favorite pizza topping?

17. What books are you reading?
The federal securities reporter...

18. Have you ever cheated on a test?
in sixth grade, i looked over at someone else's paper, and proceeded to develop a guilt-induced fever and stomachache.

19. What’s your middle name?

20. Do you have a secret no one but you knows?
Haha, probably not. I tend to share.

21. Tag 3 people.
laura, ari, and tariq. :OD
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