(no subject)

Feb 19, 2008 09:02

well, i started the morning off with a burst of productivity...polished my resume, started a cover letter, answered a few more interview questions for a thing, uploaded said resume...and now i feel like the productive mood has evaporated. and...it's only nine am. fabulous. i'm going to chalk it up to the difficulty of adjusting to school again after a three-day weekend.

really, i had a fantastic weekend. On Friday, I had coffee with an incredible IP litigator...which is very much my dream career now. Then, Lewis and I went shopping, and I found a great pair of jeans at Banana Republic which hopefully won't fall down at the same alarming rate as my current pair. (Explain to me how I can barely squeeze into most jeans, yet the ones I own are constantly slipping off my waist?)

on Saturday, i had a nice long sleep-in...then Lewis and I headed up to the Reagan library.  Much as I don't know much about him as a president (I was pretty young when he left office), it was a really cool place to see. We had our picture taken walking into Air Force One!!! The landscape around the museum was indescribably beautiful, which was nice.  We finished the evening by going to a law school friend's wedding...such a wonderful, small ceremony.

Sunday, Kristen came up for the day. There was much shopping, and I picked up a wedding magazine and a planning binder. The "when are you getting married" question has been popping up at a greater frequency, so we're trying to find a location so we can start making firm plans. so....yeah. i'll keep people updated.

yesterday there was much laziness with occasional homework. and so, here i am, with forty minutes before class starts and no motivation to get ahead.
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