meme = good?

Jan 27, 2008 06:14

(1) What is your name? Jessica

(2) Are you happy with it? Most of the time. Except for when I feel like it's everyone's name.

(3) Are you named after anyone? Nope. My parents thought it was a unique name at the time.

(4) Are you a prostitute? Hahaha. No.

(5) Your screen name: CA QT 5

(6) Would you name a child of yours after you? No way.

(7) Then what would you name your children? I like the name Aislyn.

(8) If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? No idea.

(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be? None.

(10) Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? If I'm in a good mood, I pretend any "Jessie" is on accident.

(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? That would not work out well. So no.

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(12) Your gender: Female. Muchly.

(13) Straight/gay/bi? Straight. Again, muchly.

(14) Single? Nopers.

(15) Want to be? Haha. No.

(16) Your birth date: 8/15/85

(17) Your age: 22

(18) Age you act: Probably somewhere between 8 and 40.

(19) Age you wish you were: I'm ok here.

(20) Your height? 5'4.5"

(21) The color of your eyes: Blueish-greyish-greenish-occasionally silverish

(22) Happy with it? Love it. Who wants one color eyes?

(23) The color of your hair: Brownish-blondish-reddish.

(24) Happy with it? I often want to be more of a redhead.

(25) Left/right/ambidextrous? Right

(26) Your living arrangement? LA apartment w/ Lewis

(27) Your family: Wonderful human beings.

(28) Have any pets? Nope

(29) What's your job: stressed out student :O)

(30) Piercings? usual ears + cartiledge

(32) Disorders? a few.

(33) Addictions?Thinking too much, diet coke, hummus (this week), drama.

(35) Do you speak another language? Spanish, not very well.

(36) Have a favorite quote? Live, love, laugh. And that one about dancing like no one is watching. And that other one about love being looking forward together.

(37) Do you have a web page? Kind of?

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(38) Do you live in the moment? Very much so.

(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Yup.

(40) Do you have any secrets? Oh yes. Especially depending on who it is you're asking I have kept them from.

(41) Do you hate yourself? No

(42) Do you like your handwriting? Yup.

(43) Do you have any bad habits? Stealing the covers. Being an emotional wreck.

(44) What is the compliment you get most from people? I'm enthusiastic?

(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? The Best Friend

(46) What's your biggest fear? Ending up alone. Losing all my friends. Not being loved. Being forgotten.

(47) Can you sing? I think so.

(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? I don't think that would work...

(49) Do you think you are emotionally strong? Sometimes. Only because I have to be, I put myself through so much.

(50) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? Maybe. Haven't decided yet.

(51) Do you think life has been good so far? Yeah.

(52) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Friendships really are all that matter.

(54) And least? Turn in homework.

(55) Do you think you are good looking? Not as cute as I could be. But pretty darn cute.

(56) Are you confident? Mostly. Small holes in a generally high plateu of confidence.

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(59) Smoke? No.

(60) Do drugs? No

(61) Read the newspaper? Time permitting

(62) Pray? Not as much as I should.

(63) Go to church? Ditto

(64) Talk to strangers who IM you? I can't remember the last time that happened...

(65) Sleep with stuffed animals? too many!

(66) Take walks in the rain? Yes

(67) Talk to people even though you hate them? Mm...a few isolated incidents with certain people.

(68) Drive? Yes

(69) Like to drive fast? Ahg. Not currently.

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(70) Liked your voice? Yeah.

(71) Hurt yourself? I am a walking disaster. So, yes.

(72) Been out of the country? Yup.

(73) Eaten something that made other people sick? Bananas (Steph hates them)

(74) Been in love? Yes

(75) Done drugs? No

(76) Gone skinny dipping? No. But I really really really want to.

(77) Had a medical emergency? Car accident? A bit? Nothing too drastic.

(78) Had a surgery? Wisdom teeth

(79) Ran away from home? No...but I was always thinking I would, not realizing I'm really not that brave.

(80) Played strip poker? Yes.

(81) Gotten beaten up? No. Punched, though.

(82) Beaten someone up? No

(83) Been picked on? Yeah

(84) Been on stage? Yeah

(88) Pulled an all-nighter? Urgh, too much in college. Not good for girls who need sleep.

(89) If yes, what is your record? I've done a bit over 24 hours

(90) Gone one day without food? Probably

(91) Talked on the phone all night? No

(92) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first/at all? Every night...

(94) Killed someone? No

(95) Made out with a stranger? Yes

(96) Thought you were going crazy? Known?

(97) Kissed the same sex? Yup.

(98) Had sex with the same sex? Nope.

(99) Been betrayed? A few times.

(100) Had a dream that came true? bits have.

(101) Broken the law? bits.

(102) Met a famous person? Ray Bradbury!

(103) Have you ever killed an animal by accident? There was a fish incident in seventh grade.

(104) On purpose? No.

(105) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Yeah. For good reasons.

(106) Stolen anything? Maybe gum at the age of five?

(107) Been on radio/tv? star spangled banner at the holiday bowl senior year (choir)

(108) Been in a mosh-pit? Not by choice.

(109) Had a nervous breakdown? heehee. Yes.

(100) Considered religious vocation? I did consider nunhood. Was anti-marriage. Though pro-wedding...

(102) Bungee jumped? Eek. No.

(103) Had a dream that kept coming back? Yeah
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