i officially hate LA traffic

Sep 11, 2007 09:18

So, I live ten miles from campus.  Think in your mind what amount of time you could reasonably expect my drive to be...
Usually, it takes about twenty minutes. Which is understandable, because I have morning classes, so I'm dealing with rush hour. Typically, I leave about an hour before class, because it makes me nervous to cut it close (owing to my adorable tendency to always run late). Today, I took a little bit more time putting together my stuff for today...so I left fifty minutes before my class started--my class with a professor who told us to NEVER come in late. Traffic was horrible, so I ended up flinging my car into the nearest parking spot (I went back later...I have never parked that badly while still not hitting anyone else) and running (yes, running) to class. I arrived at 8:42. Class started at 8:40. My next class? 11. Makes me wish I had just decided to sleep in a little...academically, it would have been the same.

I guess I should start leaving two hours before classes. Surely that would be enough time...*sigh*.
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