The Winds of Change...

Jan 05, 2012 02:02

If I were to say "it's been a while" that would be redundant. I'm sure I've said it many times in my previous posts that it's more like a "yeah, yeah... we get it" sort of statement now. Last time I posted was Oct 2010- more than a year ago! So much has changed in a year. For the most part-for the good. Last time I posted I mentioned I was married and was trying to get hubby to embrace Arashi. Well, 2&1/2 years later... it still hasn't happened haha. But that's okay, because I still have my "rainbow buddies" who I can share the baka-ness with!

So what's changed in over a year? The biggest change is I now have a lovely little baby boy who I like to call "Ohno jr". I call him that because he WILL be an Arashi fan. I plan on teaching him the dances and hand movements to Arashi songs. Hey, who says you can't use your kids for your own amusement? ;) But seriously, being a mom is an amazing feeling and I have God to thank for blessing us with a little angel- stinky diapers and all. My baby shower was "rainbow" themed-alluding to my love for Arashi, but no one knew that except for a select few. One of the funniest things my best friend said was trying to convince the other organizers that "the rainbow only consisted of five colours". And what a spectacular job they did. I wish I had a picture to post of the cupcakes. Not only was the cupcake itself rainbow coloured (a great feat no doubt, with so much coloured batter!) but the tops were decorated with rainbow coloured strips of sour candy shaped in a rainbow with white icing piped on the sides to give the image of clouds. They were pure GENIUS. Definitely the best baby shower ever!

My rainbow buddy machan got married this year too! She had a lovely wedding. Incidentally, baby was due one week after her wedding. I was worried if baby came early, I wouldn't be able to attend her wedding, but I did... as huge as I was. I mentioned in my last post that she and I were working together and were sharing many rainbow filled work days. However, as life as it, machan decided to change careers altogether and do something she's always wanted to do come the new year. So, as sad as I am that she won't be my work buddy anymore, I'm happy that she's moving on to do something bigger and better. That means nothing for our shared Arashi feelings, there will be many more to be shared!

With work, family, and life in general, I haven't been able to keep up with the jworld as much as I would like to. I do keep up with my jdramas and have been watching a couple each season. But I find I spend less time on LJ and thus do not get news as fast, and even miss some big news. I recently went through my links to people's LJs and sadly, I found that people who used to post a lot before have gradually dwindled in their posting- presumably because other priorities have taken over. Or is it lack of interest? Simply outgrowing the hobby? Whatever it is, life waits for no one and moves at its will. For something like Arashi, they're not going anywhere and if they are, it's up. Continuing to support them doesn't mean we have to be on top of their every move. Supporting them means we're always cheering for them even when life takes over, even if its our silent cheering and it's not always obvious. But as long as they continue to shine their rainbow brightness, they'll always be a part of us no matter where life goes.
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