Prompt: JaeJoong x Junsu / Mary Poppins
Word Count: 439
In which: Chim Chim Cheree, under my umbrella-ella-ella-ay-ay.
All prompts taken from the
DBSK Random Pairings & Prompts Generator.
----> Underaged drinking.
Mary Poppins.
The drunk kids, the Catholics, they're all about the same / They're waiting for something, hoping to be saved.
Junsu learns to like JaeJoong as much as he is drunk as when he’s sober. He’s even more of a social character with a pint or two of liqueur in him, bounding around the dirty rural streets with unbridled enthusiasm. At first, he’s adamant against drinking with JaeJoong - ‘hyung, my mom said it’s bad’- but after watching JaeJoong slip into an alcohol induced bliss time after time, he’s too curious to say no.
“Feel that Junsu?” JaeJoong bellows as pull themselves up a grassy hill on the outskirts of their village. “Feel the wind on your face? Isn’t that just the greatest feeling in the fucking world?!”
Junsu stands for a moment - wavering dangerously to the left, stumbling, correcting himself, and then wavering to the right - before he shakes his head slowly. “There isn’t any wind tonight, Jae.”
“Don’t talk it, you fucker, feel it,” JaeJoong mutters, distracted by something shiny on the ground. “Oh my god free liquor!” he declares, picking up a half emptied bottle of soju and brining it to his lips. Junsu swipes the bottle and takes a swig.
“Didn’t you just drop it?” he asks absentmindedly, as JaeJoong steals the bottle back, flops to the ground. “Ow,” he mumbles, chucking the bottle angrily into the distance.
Junsu waves to the bottle as it flies away, looking like a submarine shooting through the sea. There’s a loud beeping in the distance that Junsu mistakes for his crying liver, and somewhere in the city, there’s a kid in elementary school curling under his sheets as his parents shout in the next room. He whines miserably, rolls around for a bit, but he doesn’t want to lay down anymore. His legs are restless. “Ever see Mary Poppins?” he asks JaeJoong, pushing himself up so he could stand. Stand for what reason, he suddenly can’t remember, so he sits back down. “You know, with the parachute? Or was it a parachute? I can’t remember, do you think it was a parachute?”
“Umbrella,” JaeJoong says helpfully. “Ella, ella.”
“Oh my god umbrella!” Junsu jumps and snaps his fingers. “There was a song, right, that was like ‘In her own special way to the people she calls, 'Come, buy my bags full of crumbs’’ - but then I always thought it was bad full of thumbs. I thought that was so terrible. Why would a”- he burps loudly and suddenly, and when he speaks again, he can’t remember what he had been talking about, so he starts to sing Chim Chim Cheree at the top of his lungs.
JaeJoong runs his fingers over his lips, smiling at nothing. “Feel that wind.”