May 26, 2001 15:01

Well, Chrissi came to pick me up..we went driving. We were originally going to go for a walk on trail in Willow Springs, but as some of you know its been raining here a lot. At first we weren't going to let that spoil it. We got out our walking sticks and started in our way. ^_^ Well, we started out okay, but when we got to a top of the hill, we were wet, and very very very muddy. However, when we got to the top, we didn't know how to get back down without killing ourselves. So we went down the wooded part of the trail, so we had the trees to hold on to to prevent from falling too hard. ^_^ We got back to the car and just drove home. Sometimes we were in silence, but we listened to the rain. It was so cool...and for a moment I was happy. ^_^
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