Sep 12, 2005 17:52
Well aparently I have been instructed i have lots to talk about by a certain party :p First off i still have a cold that wont go away and i think its getting worse because i wore myself out this weekend. I also didnt feel well enough to go to classes so i really dissapointed myself because i should have gone anyway because i missed too many all ready so im basically retarted. I also had a fight with katie but i wont go into detail on here about the contents or subject of the fight due to fear of wrath from katie for posting our personal information online for prying eyes. Well i spent the majority of my weekend in auburn which was good and bad i went to get better and take it easy but all i did was party and get wasted and use up all the energy i had to get better. I did get to spend some time with katie though it seems like we fought all weekend. I think the major problem affecting our happily ever after is that we are so far apart that we cant see each other when we feel like it or keep an eye on the other to make ourselves feel reassured that the other is being faithful. Well back to the fun part of the post i assume, i went to my first auburn football game inside of JORDAN(not jurdan) Hare stadium. That was interesting in itself it was a much differnt feel than bryant denny it seemed big and cold as opposed to close and friendly like Bryant-Denny. Plus I felt hella out of place like a suburban white kid in the ghetto. I really wish i had gone back for the bama game but oh well we won but it was closer than it should have been which worries me about us having to play an actually good team this weekend. We once again got screwed in the polls. well i dont feel like posting anymore at the moment just because im feeling tired all of the sudden so i need my rest so i can get better. So until another time.