Amazon Recomends

Aug 12, 2009 23:16

Okay. Look. I appreciate the e-mails that are all like "you may enjoy blahty-blah because you purchased such-and-such". They are often quite helpful. I especially love the ones from Barnes and Noble that let me know that an author I have bought before has a new book coming out. But just because I bought a textbook, that does not mean that I actually give a shit about that subject. It took me months to stop getting e-mail from Amazon about Anglo-Saxon poetry. And the amount of English literary theory crap I get? Hoo boy. Now I'm getting grammar guides. And I get it, i do, because I just ordered a text book about grammar for that course. But it was about english grammar. Why the flippety fuck are you e-mailing me about SPANISH grammar guides? I haven't taken spanish since high school, and I know full damn well I have never bought a book related even remotely to the spanish language through that site. What kind of stupid leap is that? "Oh, well, she bought a grammar guide for english, CLEARLY SHE MUST WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT SPANISH GRAMMAR! Clearly this is our winning business model!"

I did get Bizenghast 6 the other day, and I'm pretty disappointed with how short it is. I'm pretty sure it was delayed or something, and a good chunk of the back is an excerpt from the novelization (which I own already, I mean, jeez, it's been out for awhile). It was a real bummer that we get yet another character death, and hell, we didn't even get to know this character. I have a feeling that the writer's trying to wrap things up or something, yet there is a ton of material. Each vault is really a story and we've skipped over dozens. I swear, I think it would make an awesome T.V. series. Nicely episodic but with an overall story arc, easy enough to add in material. It could totally work. You even have the obligatory cute animal for merchandising in Edaniel. Just think: cuddly plush Edaniels available at Hot Topics nationwide.

Tomorrow I plan to bake a cake, and on Friday I will try to learn to make icing. Eventually I will learn to make baked apples. Also, my relatives and nearby friends may be visited by the desserts fairy, because one house only needs so many sweets, and I am both bored and have been watching Top Chef which makes me want to cook. Or bake. Whatever. Mostly bake, I actually cook most nights and I'm bored with it. It's too hot for the majority of my repetoire.
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