End of the Semester

May 21, 2009 09:15

Oh fuck you Dr. Creepy Perv. If anyone else had taught that class, I would have earned an A and you know it. But you gave me a B because you're an asshole who taught the most pointless class I have ever taken in my life, and I once took a class called Women and Leisure. You make ridiculous demands regarding papers and I hated your pop quizzes with a burning fury. Thanks for nothing. I seriously got nothing out of that class but a headache. Also, you are creepy.

In other news: things I have accomplished this week:

- took dress to be altered

- filled out, like, three job applications for my mother

- mowed the lawn (I so hate mowing the lawn)

- realized that I took hardly any notes for any of my classes this semester.

- not very much

So, Balticon is tomorrow. And. Uh. I'm not going. It sucks. But I have pretty much no money right now, and I can't bum it off my parents because my mother is having a lot of dental work done right now (root canal, tooth extraction, fillings, etc.) and they may very well lose their health insurance at the end of the month because my dad's boss is a frigid moronic bitch. Plus, I need new glasses. So it's either a weekend at a hotel with nerds or new glasses. In theory I could dip into my savings and scrape enough together to go, but here's the other thing: I've got no one to go with. I can't reach Kristen. Julie and Paul backed out because bus tickets from New Jersey aren't cheap. Steph is never interested. I could, in theory, take my younger cousin but A) he is, um, difficult and B)he's way into Star Trek. He would get more out of ShoreLeave. Some year, when I have time and money, I will take him.

So that is that. Alas.

I'm still waiting on two of my grades (sadly, the slightly important ones because these go towards Gen. Ed. and Degree requirements) so I'm not completely free and clear yet.

This weekend, instead of hanging out with nerds, I have to help find a flower girl dress for my cousin. To be honest, she's too old, and should be a junior bridesmaid, but my sister is hellbent on having a flowergirl. So whatever.
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