Jun 09, 2008 18:23
uh. yeah. not been around. I hate stuff or something.
Started running. That's been good. I get bad exertion headaches though. Don't know why.
Haven't talked to Kim in awhile. I assume its cause she's about to give birth. I was online when I was in labor. That was interesting. Not the birth part though. or even being in the hospital. The pre submission part I was online for.
I liked Indiana Jones 4. If you didn't then fuck off. I also liked Ironman. If you didn't, you can still fuck off.
My son started eating solid food. When I say solid, I mean mushed up veggies and/or fruits. The diapers smell like the ring of hell...well, like all of them I guess. They're easier to clean though. At least its not formula. He's boob juicing it. I mean he's still breast feeding. He thinks its funny to chatter away at my nipples in the middle of a restaurant. Here I am, trying not to draw attention to my...yeeaahh.
Some people really suck. Others are pretty cool. D&D sounds pretty fun. I might play again. I hate RPGs though. I only had fun playing with Joel. Casey, Nicki, and I guess July. Even though he's a bible-thumping hater, at least from what I heard. I'm just saying; perpetuating the rumor, is all. I dunno. Whatever.
I think I'll go play me some Bejeweled 2. HOT DAMN! I love mindless games sometimes.