Done at WMFC

Jul 13, 2006 20:08

Well I brought in my last pan of brownies labeled "Lifeguards Only". I taught my last swim lesson. Cleaned my last locker room, flushed my last two toilets, and picked up my last pair of boys tighty whiteies...that weren't so white... I guarded the last time on that deck. I took my last chemical reading. I am excited that being done out there means I am very close to getting married. I will now move my full attention to packing, cleaning and prepping. Mandy comes in on Sat, Jo, Moose and Linds on Wed. So the excitment will be building from here on out. I will miss the comraddarie at the pool and how it challenged me to problem solve to the best of my abilities. The pool has always been a place for me to grow and learn. Now I am moving on to new challenges and new projects.

8 days, 19 hours, 47 minutes and 19 seconds from the start of my wedding ceremony. :)
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