Winter 2014 Book Challenge - Complete!

Mar 01, 2015 16:23

I'm so proud of myself, this book challenge seemed so intimidating and I actually completed it! With a couple of weeks to spare, no less! Granted, I did so by listening to two audio books, which seems like cheating to me, but is totally allowed according to the rules. And as it turns out, a lovely way to reduce homicidal urges on the commute home haha.

It was quite an interesting experience attempting this challenge. I realized pretty early on that some of the books on my original list were simply too ambitious if I wanted to have a hope in hell of completing the challenge, given that I generally average only 2 books a month (3 on a good month). I ended up choosing several much shorter selections, and leaving out a few that have been on my to-read list for a while. The good thing about this challenge is that it did force me to pick some selections out of my comfort zone which turned out to be really fantastic; the downside was, again, putting much of my own to-read list to the side. So really, the exact same pros and cons of book club! Haha. I'm very glad that I was able to finish on my first go round. I think that I'll probably attempt future challenges, but be able to approach them in a bit more chill fashion, sticking more to my original list and not as concerned about actually finishing.

General rules:

-The challenge will run from November 1, 2014, to February 28, 2015. No books that are started before 12 a.m. on November 1 or finished after 11:59 p.m. on February 28 will count.
-Each book must be at least 200 pages long. Audiobooks are fine, as long as the print versions meet the page requirements. Large-print books are also acceptable, as long as the regular-print version exceeds 200 pages in length.
-A book can only be used for one category, and each category can only be completed once. If you want to switch the category of a book during a later check-in, that's fine, just be sure to account for that in your point total.
-Rereads can be used for a maximum of three books in the challenge. This rule is meant to encourage you to try new books while still allowing you to revisit books from your childhood or young adulthood that you might get more out of now. Please reread the entire book within the timeframe of the challenge in order to count it; no simply finishing old books or partial rereads (unless the category explicitly states otherwise, of course)!
-The highest possible total is 200 points, and the first five people who finish the challenge will be invited to contribute a category for the next challenge. Good luck!

Challenge Categories

5 points: Freebie! Read any book that fits the general rules.

The Memory Palace by Mira Bartok (320 pages, 3 stars) A really heart-breaking story, but the narration gets really repetitive and a bit self-indulgent.

10 points: Read a book written by an author who has published at least 10 books.

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou (304 pages, 4 stars) I was a little hesitant about this book club selection, but ended up really enjoying it. Beautiful prose and an incredible story, although a bit too much churchy content for my personal preference.

10 points: Read a book of short stories.

Stone Mattress by Margaret Atwood (260 pages, 5 stars) This collection of "9 tales" is totally exquisite. Definitely my favourite book of this challenge. I highly recommend it!

10 points: Read a book with a food (not a drink!) in the title.

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley (374 pages, 3 stars). I quite enjoyed this light mystery with great characters, but good lord, the number of similes in every paragraph. Rage inducing.

15 points: Read the first book in a series that is new to you (so no rereads for this one!).

The Prince of Mist (Niebla #1) by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (214 pages, 3.5 stars) I abandoned my initial series choice for this much shorter selection, but didn't feel bad about the decision. I'm a huge fan of Zafon's work, and although this series is definitely more geared at young adult readers, it's still thoroughly enjoyable.

15 points: Read a book that was originally written in a language that is not your native language.

The Midnight Palace (Niebla #2 coincidentally haha) by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (originally in written Spanish, 298 pages, 3 stars) This was also a bit of a cop out, as I'd originally intended to go with One Hundred Years of Solitude, but it seemed much easier to continue with the much shorter series. This installment was weaker than The Prince of Mist but still a quick, good read.

15 points: Read a book written by a local author

Leaving Tomorrow by David Bergen (256 pages, 3.5 stars) Not Bergen's best work, but I still quite enjoyed it. This one would have worked well as a "bookish" book too.

20 points: Read a "bookish book" (in which books play an important role, e.g. the setting involves a bookstore or library, a major character is an author, or a book that celebrates reading and books. Examples: The Book Thief, The Shadow of the Wind, The Thirteenth Tale, etc.)

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (552 pages, 4 stars) This one had been on my list for a while, and I was actually a bit surprised by how dark and fantastic it was. Although possibly not the best choice to read on my flight back from Toronto, as I think the flight attendant was a little confused by how emotional my request for a Coke was...

20 points: Read a book with a direction in the title (e.g. north, south, east, west or any combination of those).

Escape from Camp 14: One Man's Remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to Freedom in the West by Blaine Harden (205 pages, 4 stars) This is a book I absolutely wouldn't have picked up without this challenge (I actually went onto the library website and searched the audio book section by direction lol) and it was truly unbelievable, horrifying and gripping.

25 points: Read a book from a genre you don't usually read.

The Road by Cormac McCarthy (241 pages, 3 stars) I'm on the fence about this one. It's a bit too slow and plodding for the devastating subject matter. Still worth reading!

25 points: Read a book with a song lyric in the title.

Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham (265 pages, 3 stars) A very good read, but extremely self-indulgent, even for a memoir.

30 points: Read two books with a different meal in each title

Naked Brunch by Sparkle Hayter (320 pages, 4 stars) Another one I never would have picked up without the challenge. I didn't have high hopes for this one, as I wouldn't normally be drawn to a werewolf story, but it was so freaking enjoyable in an incredibly campy way.


The Dinner by Herman Koch (304 pages, 3 stars) I liked this one, but didn't feel like the end product quite lived up to the concept. Too many long, drawn-out flashbacks. I actually found myself thinking that it might work better as a movie, which is not a common feeling!


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