Update...for an LJ meme

Jan 17, 2009 10:01

► Pick up to 15 OTPs.
► Describe them in less than 15 words.
► Have your flist guess the OTP.
► ???

1. "I can't live without you..." Ike/Soren, guessed by Mini
2. It would solve the problem of succession, if nothing else. Soren/Micaiah, guessed by Mini
3. "No, 'little brother,' it's not incest. We're not actually related."
4. "First a ninja, now a pirate...do you have a cosplay fetish?"
5."You're a wimp, but you're MY wimp." Yuuri/Wolfram, guessed by Ammy
6. Naming a pet after your lover creates some seriously awkward situations. Jade/Peony,cguessed by Sora
7. "If only I'd said 'I love you' before it was too late."
8. "I'll follow you wherever you go, milady." Kent/Lyn, guessed by Sora
9. "Can we please go on a date that doesn't involve burgers or samurai shows?" Phoenix/Maya, guessed by Mini
10. "I love you, and I'm not 'just kidding' this time."
11. "Is that a shotgun in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"
12. "Now that the world is saved from destruction, let's settle down."
13. "Since our factions are at war, does that make it hatesex?"
14. "I still don't need a wife chattering at me...I have you." Raven/Lucius, guessed by Sora
15. "My latest invention will improve our relationship 100%." "...It's going to explode, isn't it?"

Yaoi crack tiems!
1. "Dammit, little brother, stop stealing my boyfriends!" "But mages are sooo cute!" "That Ike is a bad influence."
2. "Come sit with me, little one." "You scare me."Skrimir/Soren, guessed by Mini

Hints: #1 and #2 bend the rules by including the same character.
All but #5 are from games.
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