First day of college

Aug 24, 2005 15:09

So summer's over and school starts again. This time, though, things are a little different. I've moved out of my mom's house, and now I'm a college student. I actually moved in on Saturday, but classes didn't start until today (Wednesday).

Here's how my first day's been so far:

7:15 AM- Alarm clock doesn't go off. Note to self: Learn how to properly program the thing.

7:30(?) til 8:00- Eat quick breakfast (cereal bar) and get dressed. Attempt to look nice, then realize I'll probably look like I've been beat up by the time the day is over. Forget to-do list I made last night. This leads to becoming unable to complete an errand due to forgetting the required paperwork.

8:00-Leave house, just miss the 8:00 bus. Note to self: Leave BEFORE 8:00.

About 8:05- Realize that I'm wearing a skirt and my legs need shaving. Hope nobody notices.

8:15- Next bus arrives 5 minutes late.

8:30-First class begins. Realize I'm not there yet. Arrive a couple of minutes late but don't miss anything major.

8:50-Realize this class isn't going to be the total piece of cake I thought it was going to be.

9:20-Class ends. Head to bookstore to buy disk I forgot to buy yesterday.

Sometime after 10:00-arrive at next class early. Read over psychology text from last class, but get distracted talking to a classmate.

10:40-Calculus begins. Arrive on time.

About 11:00-Realize just how much high school math I've forgotten.

11:30- Leave calculus class, head for lunch.

Noon- Discover long lines at Taco Bell. Realize I'm not going to be eating any time soon. Browse bookstore to kill time.

About 12:30 PM- Decide I've spent too long in the bookstore. Leave without buying anything.

About 12:35 PM- Make the best discovery a college student can make (no, not answers to the finals or a keg party): FREE FOOD! Take samples of Pepsi, hot dogs, Sobe, and a sno-cone.

About 12:45- When asking for directions, discover I've accidentally gone past the classroom building where I'm supposed to be. Whose stupid idea was it to build classrooms down an off-campus side street?

12:50-Arrive at ridiculous location off the main campus. Barely make it to classroom on time.

1:40- Finish class. Run one final errand, then search for bus stop. Wait for bus longer than the expected 10 minutes.

2:40- Finally arrive home, still not having eaten any real food and smelling somewhat like a sweaty basketball player. Feet are blistered from wearing inappropriate shoes, and I look sort of like I've been hit by a bus. Make to-do list for tomorrow/Friday.

Maybe I exaggerated a little about the shape I arrived home in, but I do need a shower, food, and a good assault on my hair with a brush.
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