Jul 12, 2006 12:21
So I was watching Grey's Anatomy and I get a phone call. Didn't know who it was. Thinking it was Audry or Joy for some reason, I get the phone. And the next thing I know its a familar voice on the other end. So damn familar that I about cried. It was Chris McPherson and he is back from prison. So we caught up the best we could considering I had to work the next day and he had interviews to go to. Three actually. We talked about how he was doing and when he got out, which was on Monday, July 3rd. He also told me that Brandi wanted to come down for Christmas. Ok. I told him I was calling her and he IMed her that I was going to call. Some advance warning, right? Anyway. He had to go and then I called Brandi and we talked about how much it was going to cost to get to Lewisville, TX. We first looked at planes...6 hours...about $600 or was it more...after that we decided to drive. So I have to get my license and quick. I also told Brandi that I may have a crush on someone and she jumped on me because she may know who it is. Damn. I am in so much trouble. Oh well. She said we can hang out on in about two weeks from now. I hope I don't have to work. If I do, she is coming to pick me up from work and we are leaving from there and going out. (I'll bring another shirt to wear) Anyways...after that was all said and done, it was about after 12 and we both had work in the morning, I told her to tell Chris bye for me and I hung up. I went to bed after that.
he's back again