Feb 20, 2005 11:43
Well its been a while since I updated. Calm down I am about to start telling you about how exciting my life has been since my last update. Hmmm where to start. Work is goin ok. I get along with everyone one and dont make many mistakes. I have been playing World of Warcraft for PC. Worth the 15$ a month definently. At the begining of this week my grandfather had a second heart attack. The doctors told him if he doesnt quit smoking he WILL have another one and it WILL kill him. They gave him this really strong medicine that is supposed to help alot. But he is soo stubborn sometimes. They gave him some other medicine to that has him in a pretty good mood. He made me hit on one of the waitresses at Sonic. I love my grandfather. Let's see what else.... Oh I got new speakers for my comp. They have a sub and everything. Sounds really sexy : ) Oh and to all my friends. i know I havent been talkin to you guys as much as I should. I have really been absent lately. I am really sorry guys. You all deserve better than that. I just wanna let you all know I think about you all the time and Love you guys. take care everybody. CYA!