Glee | Brothers at Arms: 1. The Case of Two Brothers | K&Co, Matt (1 of 7)

Jul 01, 2011 11:16

Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a 2nd cycle and then a 3rd, all through to a 29th. Now cycle 30!

if you have things you would like to see get written, pleeease drop by the suggestion box. The link is further down!

BTW, NOW ON TWITTER! Check out intro video ;)

Kurt & Co, Matt
Following "They Keep Killing Brittany"

One afternoon, with all of them gathered in the Glee room, Matt had asked to say something. Already this was out of the ordinary where he was concerned with them, so the feeling already existed out there that maybe something wasn’t right. It didn’t take long for them to find out why: he was moving, out of Lima, away from them. After everything they’d been through, with losing Regionals, thinking they would lose Glee Club, their keeping it after all… They had all become like family now, and suddenly they were losing one…

In the days that had followed, the mood felt like it had been sucker punched. Glee practices were more or less disintegrated. It had taken Will telling them that they should try and enjoy the time they had left together that finally turned things around, bit by bit. Still, the words ‘borrowed time’ came to mind. And then the thought had come to one of them that there was just one way, beyond a big group number, that they could send Matt off properly…

Kurt had been keeping lists of potential murder mystery games, varying in factors and styles, and as he began to think about which one would be best for this time, only one came to mind. So out came the notebook, the envelopes, everything he’d need, and he began casting. It was clear he was going to have to go at it in a bit of a different way from how he’d previously gone. In the past he would put himself in a role with some form of leadership, to maintain an eye on the proceedings. This time though, he knew exactly who needed to be a at the top.

With envelopes in hand, Kurt headed into McKinley the next morning, looking for the ‘Hummel Dinner Mystery Company.’ If he intended to approach Matt last, finding Puck first seemed all too appropriate. He spotted him, fighting with his locker door. “Problems?”

“It’s jammed again,” he looked ready to tear it off its hinges.

“Here,” he handed him the stack of envelopes and made him step back, taking a shot at getting the door to open. “There’s one in there with your name on it,” he spoke, nodding to the stack.

“Oh, is it another one of your murder things?” Puck asked, searching for his envelope.

“Yes, and let’s not say it so loud if you’re going to put it like that,” Kurt went on just as he gave a pull and the locker door swung open. “Voilà!”

“How’d you do that?” Puck stared, amazed.

“Long story,” Kurt breezed by the subject to get back to the one about the envelopes. “I thought we could have this as a combination murder mystery and going away party for Matt.” The moment the topic of Matt’s departure came up, and of giving him a proper send off, both with Puck and everyone else, it was like magic words.

“Yeah, definitely,” Puck nodded. “So who do I play this time?”

“Oh, you’ll like it. You play Johnny Stone, and you and your brother run the family business, although he’s older and really in charge, and there’s a rivalry. Also when I say ‘business’… Well, you’re not exactly on the up and up, let’s leave it at that,” Kurt explained.

“Sweet. Who gets killed? Is it me?” he asked, looking like he almost wanted it to be.

“You’ll have to wait and see,” Kurt told him before moving off.

Like always, the moment one envelope went out, it was like the ruffle of papers coursed through these halls, scaring out all his players. He was approached by Mercedes, Artie, and Tina, all at once. Again he revealed to them how this game would also be to say goodbye to Matt, and they were on board - more so than they’d already been. So he found their envelopes and began handing them out.

“Okay, here goes. Tina, you play Mae Stone, Johnny Stone’s wife.”

“Who’s Johnny?” she asked.

“Puck… You were the only one he hasn’t been involved with in one way or another,” Kurt explained with a shrug, while Tina frowned. “Mercedes, you’re Gwen Cobb, you’re handling the finances for Ricky Stone’s crew,” he turned to her, and she grinned. “And Artie, you’re Mac Reynolds, and you’re muscle on Johnny’s crew,” he gave him his envelope, and Artie looked pleased as well.

“Liking the sound of that,” he nodded along, looking to Tina and Mercedes, almost flexing his biceps.

“You’re also my brother, as is Finn, but that’s all in the envelope,” Kurt went on.

“That’s all…” he repeated, as though to say ‘meaning?’

“You’ll see for yourself,” Kurt promised. “I should go find the others.” The next he found was Mike, and as Kurt rounded the corner he realized there were Santana and Brittany as well. “Hey, feeling better?” his attention turned to Brittany, after what he’d heard had happened the day before.

“Oh, yeah,” she assured him, then, leaning in, she whispered, “I was practicing.”

“Right, okay,” Kurt nodded with her before digging in his pile. “Well, you’ll be Sally West, Ricky Stone’s girlfriend,” he gave her the envelope, and she stared at him, expectantly. “I’m not telling you anything, you’ll just have to read up,” he maintained, and he caught a brief glimpse of a pout before he turned to Mike. “You’ll be Wyatt Ames, part of the ‘muscle’ on Ricky’s crew. And Santana, you’ll be Belle Moore, Ricky’s right hand… woman,” he carried on with her.

“Is that short for…” she started asking, with a smirk that could make priests blush.

“Read your information, I can’t be clearer than that,” he told her, and the other two, before moving along. Not a minute had gone by that he found Quinn. “Hey, good,” he breathed out like she’d be his one tie to sanity. “So I’ve got our next murder mystery for this weekend, or at least a murder mystery plus going away party for Matt.”

“Sounds great,” she told him, smiling.

“My thoughts exactly,” he told her before holding out her envelope. “You’ll be Sophia Willis, you’re part of… well, the muscle, on Johnny Stone’s crew,” he looked at her as he spoke, and she did too.

“Right. I’ll do my best,” she told him. He only had two more people to find before going to Matt, and he had a good feeling he’d find them together. He found them at Rachel’s locker, where Finn was looking through one of his textbooks with confusion swimming in his eyes, riding his brow like a wave. As soon as Rachel saw Kurt coming though, she tapped at Finn’s arm so he would look up. Kurt didn’t even need to tell them what he was there for, and he just laid out the part about Matt.

“So, Rachel, you’re playing Jules Watts, in charge of Johnny Stone’s finances… among other things,” he spoke scandalously, and she responded in stride. “And Finn, you’re Bill Reynolds. You’re muscle on Ricky Stone’s crew, which is a sore subject, since your brothers Mac and Tom - that’s me - are on the opposing side,” Kurt explained.

“So am I on the bad guy’s side or…”

“We’re all bad guys,” Kurt pointed out. “But we’re good people, too.” Leaving them on this, Kurt carried along, with just one envelope in hand. He found Matt in the locker room, sitting on the benches. Kurt sat at his side and handed him the envelope.

“A murder mystery?” Matt asked. “When is it?” he asked like someone who worried he might miss it.

“You’ll still be here, don’t worry. Actually, there’s more to it than just a mystery dinner,” Kurt told him with a smile. “This dinner is the Glee Club’s way of saying… farewell, and good luck,” he explained. Matt looked at him, smiling as well, bordering on emotional. He tapped at Kurt’s shoulder to say thanks. “And this time, Matt Rutherford, if for one night only, you get to be the star.”



[Cycle 01] [Cycle 02] [Cycle 03] [Cycle 04] [Cycle 05]
[Cycle 06] [Cycle 07] [Cycle 08] [Cycle 09] [Cycle 10]
[Cycle 11] [Cycle 12] [Cycle 13] [Cycle 14] [Cycle 15]
[Cycle 16] [Cycle 17] [Cycle 18] [Cycle 19] [Cycle 20]
[Cycle 21] [Cycle 22] [Cycle 23] [Cycle 24] [Cycle 25]
[Cycle 26] [Cycle 27] [Cycle 28] [Cycle 29]
[Cycle 30]
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[615] [616] [617]

Suggestion Drop Off

Title: "Brothers at Arms: 1. The Case of Two Brothers"
Pairing: None; Kurt & Co, Matt
Rating: G
Summary: Matt is moving away, and Kurt sees no better send off than one last Murder Mystery, all 12 of them.
Spoilers: Season 1

character: kurt hummel, character: mike chang, character: finn hudson, character: brittany, show: glee, character: quinn fabray, character: noah puckerman, character: matt rutherford, characters: new directions, character: tina cohen-chang, character: santana lopez, character: mercedes jones, character: artie abrams, gleekathon, gleekathon: mmd: brothers, character: rachel berry

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