Glee | LATGHAOT They Are Memories | Multiship (15 of 20)

Feb 10, 2011 10:48

Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a 2nd cycle and then a 3rd, all through to a 22nd. Now cycle 23!

if you have things you would like to see get written, pleeease drop by the suggestion box. The link is further down!

LOVE & THE GENTLE HEART ARE ONE THING - [For the full explanation, please refer to Chapter 1
Chapter 15 of 20 They Are Memories


Rachel emerged from the pack of dancing couples, looking around to situate herself, and finally she spotted Mr. Schuester and Miss Holiday, right where she’d seen them last. When she approached them, Will held out the bowl.

“I was wondering when you’d come,” Mr. Schuester simply responded. Rachel just smiled and reached in the bowl. Once she’d read the title she gave a small nod to herself and then to the two teachers before turning to go wait by the stage for her turn. She stood there for a moment, fixing her dress, checking that the thin gold chain was still around her neck… She never liked having to wait for her turn when she was primed to go…

But she looked up and there was Finn, walking up to her. She smiled when he came to stand in front of her. “What’d you get?” he asked, angling to see her card. She pressed it to herself, hiding it, smirking.

“You’ll have to wait and see,” she insisted. He made a face, but she held her ground. “No, you wait,” she chuckled, more so as he cranked up the pity party. “Not going to work,” she insisted, though he was very close to swaying her… She didn’t know if he knew the song, but she wasn’t taking any chances… Besides, it was fun to tease him.

“I think it’s your turn,” he pointed to the stage. She looked back and within an instant she was climbing up to go hand the card to Brad. He almost looked to brace himself as she barrelled toward him. Once he had the card, he gave a ‘ten’ to the band, two hands up.

At the back of the gym, it was another story of two hands. Artie had offered his, agreeing to Brittany’s suggested and Mike’s agreed dance with Tina. Now he just needed her to give him hers… He could only imagine what she was thinking… She’d been the one to break up with him, so for all he knew she didn’t care about this or him… He wasn’t asking anything more than a dance. And finally she reached out her hand and put it into his. “Okay,” she spoke before looking around, figuring how to get herself up on her own. The boys tried to help, but she just held up a hand, insisting to go at it alone. She got on one foot, hopping herself over to sit on Artie’s lap. Before she could bring herself to sit there, their eyes did meet, the weight of months in them.

It wasn’t the first time Artie had transported her or danced with her in this way; even months later it showed. “Watch my foot,” she begged.

“I’ve got it,” he insisted before looking back to Brittany. She gave a nod and a smile, so he wheeled off with Tina. He took her close to the crowd, though not necessarily among them; he did have to look out for her foot. Even without seeing her, they would soon hear Rachel’s voice.

[R] “Why? Why are you still here with me? / Didn’t you see what I’ve done? / In my shame I want to run,
And hide myself. / Yeah, but it’s here I see the truth, / I don’t deserve you.

But I need you to love me, / And I, I won’t keep my heart from you this time. / And I’ll stop this pretending that I can, / Somehow deserve what I already have / I need you to love me”

“You didn’t need to do this, you know?” she told him as he worked his chair to simulate a dance as best he could. He shrugged.

“I wanted to,” he told her. It got a smile out of her. He could have sworn no time had passed, like he could remember everything that had happened between them… But eventually that trip down memory lane came to a sudden stop, and he’d see her face when she told him they were done… As returns to reality went, that one was pretty abrupt. He wasn’t angry at her… maybe he used to be, but he’d moved past that now… He guessed he could owe that to being with Brittany now, and her being with Mike… So he didn’t forget the feeling of the break up, but at least he held on to the good memories more than the bad ones. “How’s the ankle?” he asked her.

“Cold…” she nodded. She’d left her ‘ice pack’ with Mike at the chairs. “Doesn’t feel as bad if I don’t walk on it… or move it at all…”

“Well you don’t have to do any of that here,” he pointed out and she nodded with a smirk.

[R] “I, I have wasted so much time / Pushing you away from me. / I just never saw how you / Could cherish me.

Cause you’re a god who has all things, / And still you want me.”

She hadn’t wanted to lose him completely when she’d broken up with him, not really, but then… She knew he wasn’t going to just stick around after she’d gone and do that to him. Well, he did, though not so pleasantly at first, with him trying to get her back, and up until their return to school, where things finally started to settle, she was left to her initial fear… that in doing what needed to be done she would lose so much more than she ever intended to.

Because just because it hadn’t worked out for them as a couple, and she’d gone looking elsewhere, it didn’t mean he meant nothing to her anymore. She just didn’t know how to get them back there; she’d been the one who had done the breaking in the break up, and this revoked some abilities from her… She felt bad even going back to him when she needed something … She understood the barrier, but she still hated that it had to be there.

[R] “And I need you to love me, / And I, I won’t keep my heart from you this time. / And I’ll stop this pretending that I can, / Somehow deserve what I already have / Yeah, ye-ea-eah

Your love makes me forget what I have been. / Your love makes me see who I really am. / Your love makes me forget what I have been, oh-oh.”

Artie had had so much more to miss. He hadn’t wanted this separation, so it had caught him off guard, like reaching a stop in the floor and finding himself suddenly propelled from his chair… So he’d made himself stronger, deep down. But she was still Tina. She was still the girl with that smile, with the ‘stutter’, his first kiss, first girlfriend, the hope she’d had in him… Could she ever understand how he hated to cast her in the role of the bad guy, the tearer of hearts?

[R] “And I need you to love me, yeah / I need you to love me, ye-ea-eah! / And I’ll stop this pretending that I can, / Somehow deserve what I already have / Somehow deserve what I already have / I need you to love me, yeah / I need you to… / oh oh oh oh eo (x4) / Love me, love me, yeah”

“I really thought it’d be us up here,” she spoke up all of a sudden. He looked at her. “I mean, when we were… when we were together, and thinking of… this…” she looked around. “I thought it’d be us.”

“I know,” he told her. She gave a small smile, screwing up her courage.

“Artie, I… I want us to… I don’t know, I still would like us to be…” she started, frowning like she was about to revert into her stutter.

“Friends?” he guessed, and she looked at him. “I think we’re getting there,” he nodded slowly.

“Good,” she smiled. She had a thought. “Care to put that to a test?” His eyebrow raised… he knew that face; it usually led to something good.



[Cycle 01] [Cycle 02] [Cycle 03] [Cycle 04] [Cycle 05]
[Cycle 06] [Cycle 07] [Cycle 08] [Cycle 09] [Cycle 10]
[Cycle 11] [Cycle 12] [Cycle 13] [Cycle 14] [Cycle 15]
[Cycle 16] [Cycle 17] [Cycle 18] [Cycle 19] [Cycle 20]
[Cycle 21] [Cycle 22]
[Cycle 23]
[463] [464] [465] [466] [467]
[468] [469] [470] [471] [472]
[473] [474] [475] [476]

Suggestion Drop Off

Title: "Love & the Gentle Heart Are One Thing: 15. They Are Memories"
Pairing: [Capitalized = in this chapter] Carl/Emma, FINN/RACHEL, Kurt/Blaine, ARTIE/BRITTANY, MIKE/TINA, Sam/Quinn, Puck/Santana, Anthony/Mercedes, Will/Holly, Puck/Quinn, Will/Emma, Burt/Carole, Brittany/Santana, ARTIE/TINA, MIKE/BRITTANY and more to come!
Rating: G
Summary: Valentine's Day is coming, and it's shaping up to be a very Glee kind of dance...
Spoilers: Through 210 A Very Glee Christmas

couple: finn and rachel, couple: tina and artie, couple: mike and brittany, character: mike chang, couple: artie and brittany, character: finn hudson, character: tina cohen-chang, couple: mike and tina, show: glee, character: brittany, character: artie abrams, gleekathon, grouping: gleekathon cycle 23, gleekathon: valentines 2011, character: rachel berry

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