Belated Halloweeny!

Nov 02, 2006 01:15

So I haven't been around to update in a while, but I guess that's what happens when your puter hates you. Aaaanyway, I wanted to come around 'cause I managed to get the picture of the pumpkin I carved up on here so I wanted to share...


What else has been up, well... my puter decides to be nice to me once in a while (for example, that's where I am now ;))... I've been trying to work on my fics more, sort of juggling three or four (with possible others *sigh*) at once, but I can handle it ;)

Today I finally managed to hook things up so I can transfer some stuff from the pvr/dvr to a tape on the vcr, so I got started on that so I can finally clear space on that thing so it's not a big panic each night to hope I have enough space to record the things I wanna record that night.

Bones was back tonight, yayayayayayay!!! It was awesome, gosh I missed those guys... I'm not gonna go into details 'cause first off I'm tired, and second I figure some people haven't seen it yet. All I can say is the ending had me blushing and giggling like a fangirl :D Oooh and I got to see some Seebones vids on you tube at the library today (yay for their sound and stuff!) If you guys have any great vids you know of, for Bones or other shows even, by all means share some links :D

(Oh I'd forgotten to mention about tonight's Bones - the VM factor!! Celeste Kane AND the Beav in one ep? Niice :D)

Ooh and Weeds! Finally got Zooey's first ep tonight (silly Canada all weeks behind...) It was awesome to see her there, and she was (wait for it) awesome!! :D

Ooh and Dancing with the Stars... I kinda figured on the person that got eliminated. I was just glad my fave didn't get voted off...

Okay well I'm gonna end this now, 'cause I'm tired and the screen is making my eyes hurt... I think I got used to not being on here, or to the different size on the library computers.

Right well, hope to hear from you guys 'cause I miss you all!! Big hugs!

actress: zooey deschanel, tv show: weeds, creation: fiction, tv show: bones, life: general, tv show: dancing with the stars, couple: booth and brennan

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