Moving Day 2006 Diaries #12 - OMG, I'm still alive!

May 22, 2006 08:57

This is the first time I've gotten the chance and/or energy to drop by here so settle down children, this could take a while...

Thursday, May 18
Though I was still kind of achy from the exercise that was the clean-up/bed assembling adventure a couple days before, it was nothing compared to this. Day before the move, so it was the big end rush. I ran some errands early on, we needed more cleaning products *sigh*

I had to take the computer down, pack it all up. Before I could pack it up though, after having unhooked everything (and that was awkward too), I had to get all the major dust wererabbits out of the computer tower thing.

I also had to get the two L-shaped desks into forms that would allow easier transport. The one in my room, it wasn't so bad, one section could be taken down and it would hold fine. But the one in here, in the office, I ended up having to take it completely apart. That took a while.

I had to take down some curtains (and their hooks), take the mirrors down from my desk and my mom's desk... We had to finish packing up everything, and I had to take all my boxes from my room and put them with all the other boxes... I had to unhook and pack up the satelite thingy, the pvr thingy, the dvd...

I ended up going to bed around 1:30am, but only slept for an hour. After that I couldn't sleep, my feet were killing me so much. I ended up watching tv all night until my mom and my aunt etc got up at 5:30...

Friday, May 19th
Surprisingly, I was able to stay awake and not fall all asleep and such. We continued working, rushing to get everything ready in time. I had to take my bed apart (and the frame is all full of mushrooms, ew! Momsie says she'll get me a new bed frame *nods*).

And as you may be aware if you're from up here, it's been shit raining for daaays! Including friday, so I was like 'shit! the boxes are gonna get screwed!' So we waited and waited, got ready...

The movers got there at a quarter to nine and quickly got to work. I sat there watching them go at getting the stuff down (so I could get in there with my broom and get all the dust out of there). It was amazing! They'd take down three or four boxes at a time like it was nothing! I mean, this is my sixth move, it's not like I haven't seen this done before, but still...

Around eleven, my aunt and I had to go get a mop and bucket. That took a while, 'cause we couldn't find what we needed. It took going to four stores before we got it. It was fun though, 'cause my aunt's rental car was that new Yaris car... it was awesome! I felt so fancy ;)

Anyhoo, we got back and they had gotten a lot more done. After a while longer, they finally got done. So we headed off toward the new place.

With the delay between when we could leave and when we got there, they were able to get some of the stuff in. I had to help them put the stuff in the right place (I showed them my floorplans ;) (That sounded kind of dirty, didn't it? :D))

There were boxes everywhere in my room (as it's a bit smaller and the closet doesn't have shelves on the sides (*sniffles* I miss my shelves!!!)). I hurried to get my bed together 'cause I neeeded a lie down. We hadn't had lunch yet 'cause my mother wanted us to wait until the movers were gone. I was really starting to lose any strength I had left (remember? one hour of sleep?) so I was getting all weepy.

Eventually though, the movers left. And after a little bit later, we finally got our lunch/dinner... *swoon* Chicken poutine... the chicken place is at a walking distance from here, I'm in heaven ;)

I managed to get my room's desk reassembled (it wasn't a big effort with this one, remember? :)), and that way I was able to push the boxes in my closet, under the desk, on the desk... so my room was navigation easy... well, easier, and I could go to sleep.

Saturday, May 20th
The office and the living room were both very much clutter zones, so they were my priorities. I started with the office.

I had to move some things around before I could even try and place stuff. Eventually I was able to hook up the tv in here, and hurray for a progress-fueled energy boost after that 'cause boy did I need it. I put the desk back together, from memory, no plans. Then I hooked the computer up (again, no plans)...

After a bit of a break, I got started on getting the living room together (and a bit of the kitchen, 'cause the kitchen boxes were part of the living room's clutter). I actually managed to get most of it done saturday, I just had some boxes here and there, but they weren't really in the way...

Sunday, May 21st
Yet another day! Yet more pain! *thud* Mostly, I finished up the living room. I also had to set up a sort of tent situation on the balconey up front, 'cause with the rain and all, we didn't know what to do with all the empty boxes. We couldn't just put them outside in the rain or they would have gotten all water logged. So I set up the rain thingy, and we got the boxes out there :)

I also went to the depanneur nearby and omg! They have an iced cap machine as well as a slushie machine, I am in heaven!

And then there were a bunch of movies on! I got to see (again) Patch Adams, and Corrina, Corrina, and part of Spiderman... And then on saturday we watched 10.5 and yesterday we watched part one of 10.5 Apocalypse (part two tuesday; Aaaaaah!! Carlos! Sweet hot!Tony!! :D) Now I love it and all, but these natural disasters movies tend to get my head in weird places ;)

Ooh and I got all my CDs organized... I need a new CD tower or something, 'cause they're getting all full now O:)

Monday, May 22nd
So today, I'm waiting to see whether or not we'll be able to go shopping. We need curtains! It's kinda annoying that we don't have curtains yet, especially at sunrise and sundown, 'cause I can't protect myself from the sun and I'm all sun allergic and stuff O:)

Also, I need to get my new bookshelf so I can really start unpacking in my room. It's the only place that really still looks like a box depot and that's just annoying, you know? I want everything to look normal, I want not to be all in achy pain from the unpacking and the moving and whatnot... I wanna be able to write again!!!

We're getting there though, so :D

And hee, Mary Lynn AND Danielle on Regis? Awesome :D

PS: I MISSED YOU GUYS!!! *big hugs!*

life: moving

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