If I'm the picture of grace, it's kind of blurry...

Apr 20, 2010 19:51

I nearly faceplanted today... and that just makes you feel so good... *thud*

So for some reason I am not aware of, I decided "hey, it's nice outside, I'll wear my sandals that always hurt my feet!" ... yeah... ANYWAY... I got to school, sat around to study for a while before my final, then a couple of the people from my class showed up, and it was about time for the test, so we went upstairs. We were walking toward the class and one of the girls asked me a question about a verb and then suddenly... I dunno, I tripped over my sandal or something, and my foot twisted a bit and I aaaaalmost fell right on my face... but then I totally SAVED IT! I can't say the same for the bottom of my iced capp, which went and spilled on the floor... it's a good thing I didn't slip on it 'cause then I would have been done for.

I had napkins in hand so I just bent over and wiped the floor, while asking my classmate about that verb again... Once I finished cleaning, I threw out the napkins and the rest of the cup and we headed in for the test. My hands were shaking, you know that shake after you fall or ALMOST fall...

Did my test, (I had seat #13, go figure) finished first (as always) and then waited around for friends to get out, chatted around with them until the last ones came out... I found out I got 9.5/10 on my oral presentation, which was just... mindflippingly beyond my wildest expectations. I got 4.5/5 for participation, which is fair, 'cause I'm just no good with talking in class, but I always had the homework, never missed a class...

Came home, there was traffic, and rain, all that mess... and a rainbow, that was fun!

Now dinner is ready (PIZZA!) oh and then in about 70 minutes... little show... you know, you might have heard of it... what is it? Oh yeah... GLEEEEEE!!!

studies: finals, tv show: glee, life: general

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