The Scoring of Glee...

Feb 12, 2010 09:32

So for my movie soundtrack class, I want to discuss the score in Glee, 'cause let's face it, it's awesome... but I know I'm going to need some help, both for the fact that I don't have a lot of time and because I may not have the knowledge to figure out some parts. What I'd need basically is a bunch of people willing to watch one episode of Glee and take note of the score... yes, watching Glee, what a task! ;) But apparently people think I'm some lazy ass punk, so I guess I'll just do it on my own *glares*

This is what I want to do:
  1. Find all those separate pieces of scoring.
  2. Identify when they've shown up over the thirteen episodes thus far.
  3. Couple them with their counterpart if possible.

So to kick it off...

Original >>> Glee sample
  1. Pilot - Emma signs up to chaperone.

Original >>> Glee sample
  1. Pilot - Will talks to Sue, Ken, and Emma about Glee Club recruitment

music: glee score, studies: movie soundtrack, tv show: glee

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