Carry On Picspam!

Feb 01, 2021 01:07

This is it. The last of Supernatural. I'm so depressed. While I am out of order? I still have several seasons to catch up on for the picspams. But this marks the end of an era. 15 seasons! Not too shabby for the little show that could!!! Buckle up-this will be brutal for those that are still in denial I suggest not watching/viewing this until you're ready. With that said, enjoy!

*Disclaimer* I will not be held responsible for spontaneous combusting, computers shorting out, marbles rolling, brain cells frying, ovaries exploding, and the like. *Passes out drool bibs, and fire extinguishers* And please make sure that your health insurance policy is caught up ;-) Randomly-any blindness due to looking directly at the Pretty is not my fault-I only bring it! Please note that should you go to special hell you are responsible for your own transportation/tickets/bus passes. And once again this is not dial-up friendly-sorry! Hot-linking is evil-don't do it please!

Screencap warning label credit: cormily

Screencap credits: raloria

carry on picspam, carry on, jensen ackles, jared padalecki

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