Nov 23, 2005 19:42
I've probably been heard going on about this before, but...
The grocery store around food-centric holidays never ceases to be a source of constant amusement to me. Honestly, anyone who hasn't the sense to get their Thanksgiving shopping done (or at the very least, done save for one or two items you could do without) before Thanksgiving eve is just... ridiculous, really.
We got most of ours done early. We just had to pop in today for buttermilk I'd forgotten and I just had to laugh.
There was an old woman in her obligatory SUV, loading groceries and yelling at someone in the car. Herds of people flocking around the milk and the eggs. Employees dragging out christmas displays. One lost guy who I'd swear had a can of chicken, a can of yams, and a can of cranberry sauce in his handbasket.
At any rate, we've thankfully got all our stuff, and the cooking has started. At the moment, cornbread is baking for the dressing. Whee!